
Hello, I am Maya.

I am the founder of Dimlights Media. My passion and focus is helping artists, musicians and cultural organisations create meaningful connections with their audiences through building simple, elegant and engaging websites.

My clients appreciate that I am fully committed to their goals and they can rely on my whole-hearted attention. Valuing life-long learning, I constantly improve my web design skills. My degrees (MA in Cultural Policies and Management, UK, MA in European Studies, Russia/Germany) and experience in cultural management enrich our communication and get us where we aim.

In all the professional roles I have had, be it at a theatre festival in Patagonia, in study abroad programmes in Russia and Chile (Stanford University) or an open-air theatre in the UK, I have been always passionate about creating bridges between the arts and audiences.

I speak English, Spanish, Russian and I will be happy to hear from you in any of those languages.